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Published on May 06, 2024
Harris County Constables Seize Multiple Drugs During Traffic Stop, Driver ArrestedSource: Facebook/Mark Herman, Harris County Constable Precinct 4

Early this morning, a routine traffic stop on Bammel N Houston Road turned into a substantial narcotics bust for Harris County Constables. Deputy Lopez, a member of Constable Mark Herman's office, pulled over a vehicle in the 13200 block for what appeared to be a routine traffic violation. However, the situation quickly escalated when the deputy discovered the driver smoking marijuana.

Upon further investigation of the vehicle, a cache of illegal drugs was uncovered. According to a statement from Constable Herman's office, "After a search of the vehicle, deputies located Methamphetamine, Oxycodone, Xanax, Hydrocodone and Marijuana inside the vehicle. He was arrested and Child Protective Services was contacted. Stay tuned for the press release."

With the narcotics seized and the driver in custody, the legal process took its next step. Officials contacted Child Protective Services, indicating that more may be at stake in this incident than just the narcotics found. Details on the involvement of CPS have not been disclosed, keeping the focus solely on the bust itself for now.

Constable Herman's office has announced their intention to release a press statement, promising further details on the arrest.