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Published on May 06, 2024
Lewisville Police Join Forces in Austin to Honor Fallen Officers at Texas Memorial CeremonySource: Lewisville Police Department

A solemn assembly marked Texas this week as the state's peace officers, along with their brethren from across the nation, came together in Austin to honor the valor and sacrifice of those fallen in the line of duty. Among them, representatives from the Lewisville Police Department stood in reflective tribute. This annual Texas Peace Officer Memorial ceremony sees police departments send their emissaries to both recognize and remember their lost colleagues, with the names of those who perished in the previous year etched into the enduring stone of the memorial.

The contingent from Lewisville PD, comprised of Sergeant Vernier, Officer Charlton, Officer Lee, Officer Mallory, and Officer Seaman took part in the poignant events, which precede the National Police Week observed from May 12-18 and the National Peace Officers Day slated for May 15. The processional of uniformed figures was not just a silent reverence, it's part of a wider fabric that binds the law enforcement community amidst the trials and tribulations associated with their sworn duty to protect and serve.

National Police Week and National Peace Officers Day are marked each year not just in Texas but across the United States, serving as a cornerstone for remembrance and reflection on the rigorous demands of police work and the ultimate price paid by some who wear the badge. These occasions are further punctuated by ceremonies like the one in Austin, where officers existing and names newly inscribed share an unspoken bond understood only too well among their ranks and the families who support them.

For the police force in Lewisville and for others who gather each year to honor this legacy, it is a time for solace, solidarity, and affirming the collective commitment to public service—acknowledged as such in a public statement by the Lewisville Police Department on their Facebook page. Though their presence is a mute testament to lives cut short, the gathering also radiates the resilient spirit of those who continue to don their uniforms each day - facing uncertainties but steadfast in the pursuit of a safer community for all.