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Published on May 17, 2024
Hammer-Wielding Pelosi Home Invader David DePape Nailed with 30-Year Sentence in San Francisco CourtSource: California DMV

The infamous David DePape has been hit with a 30-year prison sentence for violently attacking Paul Pelosi, spouse of the then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The 44-year-old man was handed his fate on Friday by Judge Jacqueline Scott Corley, who ruled that while jurors found DePape guilty last November on charges of attempted kidnapping of a federal official and assault on a family member of a federal official, he would serve the sentences concurrently.

Despite prosecutors pushing for a 40-year term, DePape will instead face three decades behind bars, a term that reflects the gravity of his offenses, which included breaking into the Pelosis' residence in San Francisco back on October 28, 2022 with the intent to capture and injure Nancy Pelosi, the charges were made public by the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Northern District of California; during the trial, he even confessed to bludgeoning Paul Pelosi with a hammer after police arrived, unraveling his plan to put an end to what he believed to be rampant government corruption.

Defense attorneys contended that DePape's assault was fueled by extreme political beliefs and consumption of conspiracy theories, not necessarily an aim to obstruct Nancy Pelosi's official duties. Hoodline SF prior detailed his descent into extremism, which was fostered in an abusive relationship with former partner Gypsy Taub. DePape shared during the trial his disillusionment with news outlets' coverage of former President Donald Trump embracing the outlandish and baseless QAnon conspiracy, which espouses that a devil-worshipping pedophile cabal governs the U.S.

The harrowing encounter on that quiet October night saw Paul Pelosi, who was 82 at the time, shocked and in danger when confronted by DePape, who intended to tie him up until Nancy Pelosi's arrival. As he recalled in court testimony, "Where's Nancy?" DePape had inquired upon barging into the bedroom, wielding a hammer and zip ties, Pelosi told jurors as he aimed to stay as calm as possible while realizing the peril he was in. The assault resulted in Pelosi sustaining head wounds, inclusive of a skull fracture requiring plates and screws, which would remain in place for the remainder of his life, along with injuries to his right arm and hand, reported by

David DePape's judgment also coincides with ongoing proceedings for state charges, including assault with a deadly weapon and attempted murder.