Bay Area/ San Francisco
Published on August 29, 2012
Ask the D5 Candidates
The election for the city's Board of Supervisors is right around the corner, and now's your chance to get to know the people running to represent your very own little District 5.

This week, courtesy of Uppercasing and the lovely guys at Haighteration and Hayeswire, we're asking you to ask the questions. What do you care about for District 5? What are you looking for in a candidate? What's important to you? The D5 candidates have all agreed to answer a shared questionnaire compiled out of questions from you, dear readers. All you have to do is ask. Here's how: post a (concise, shortish) question in the comments field here before next Tuesday, September 4. We'll pick 5 that cover a breadth of issues and concerns, do a cross-blog mashup with Haighteration and Hayeswire, and deliver the brilliant result to our willing supervisor candidates. We'll deliver the results back to you in September. Ready? Go.