Bay Area/ San Francisco
Published on July 11, 2013
The Art Beneath Your Feet
Sidestepping a turd is about the only time we really give the sidewalk a good, hard look. As a result, we've been missing out on a whole world of expression happening right underneath our shoes.

Our corner of SF is quite the concrete canvas for street artists, as it turns out. There's a trove of doodles big and small around the neighborhood, just waiting to be discovered. We decided to see what a few of Hayes Valley's sidewalks had to offer.
Octavia Boulevard
The art here at Octavia is full of simple scribblings and call to action stencils.
We saw the same "plant me" stencils on both sides of Octavia--one over by the corner of Page and the other by the intersection of Oak.
This is just the first in a monster head collection we found roaming the streets:
Hayes Street
From Laguna to Van Ness, Hayes Street is one of the more heavily tagged sidewalks in our hood.
We found another one of these monster heads by the parking lot near Flipper's:
Linden Avenue
This alleyway is no stranger to street artists, especially along the wall behind the Streets of San Francisco Bike Tours (385 Linden).
Laguna Street
A friendly reminder not to let you dog piddle outside of Nosa Ria:

The next time you're traveling by foot through Hayes Valley, take a moment to appreciate the gallery of doodles and cryptic messages that exist right beneath your very feet.
We realize this is a fraction of the sidewalk art out there. If we missed one of your favorite pieces, feel free to send us a photo via Twitter (@Hayeswire).