Bay Area/ San Francisco
Published on January 12, 2014
It's Raining Lint At Hayes And Webster
One Hayeswire reader has a gripe about a local laundromat she claims is spewing lint into the neighborhood.

Sarah L. contacted us with some disturbing observations about Hayes Laundry at the corner of Hayes and Webster.
"[The laundromat] is frequently and consistently polluting lint into the neighborhood. You can find lint all around the laundromat, especially right in front of it on the street by the 21 bus stop, and floating in the air if you look overhead toward the top of the building. The lint collection on the street is eventually cleaned up by the street sweeping, but it's not really solving the problem."
She supplied us with the photos in this story, saying she recently observed balls of lint raining down from the top of the building for a solid five minutes.
Sarah says she called the Bay Area Air Quality Management District and the city's Environmental Health Complaint hotline, but was told (somewhat oddly, if you ask us) that there are no specific laws regulating lint pollution from laundromats, so nothing could be done.
"[They] instead recommended that this be something brought up to the neighborhood's attention at a neighborhood meeting. I'm hoping that in notifying Hayeswire, the neighborhood is made aware of what's going on. I hope that the neighborhood also knows what they might be inhaling as they walk around."
Consider yourselves notified, neighbors.