Bay Area/ San Francisco
Published on March 05, 2014
Brazilian Telenovela Filming On Waller TomorrowFacebook/Murilo BenĂ­cio
Move over, Looking - there's a new TV production crew in the neighborhood.

A Brazilian telenovela called "Geracao Brazil" ("Generation Brazil" in Portuguese) will be filming in the Lower Haight tomorrow. The show is set to debut May 5th, and reportedly stars an actor named Murilo BenĂ­cio. We don't know much about the plot, but the location manager tells us one of the characters lives on Waller, surprisingly. Outdoor filming is set to occur tomorrow (Thursday) from 7am to 1pm on Waller near Carmelita. Parking will be restricted on Waller between Scott and Carmelita, and on Scott between Waller and Duboce. SFPD will be on hand to coordinate traffic. So, if you didn't get to go down to Carnival this year, enjoy a little taste of Brazilian culture right here at home. Thanks to reader John H. for the tip!