Bay Area/ San Francisco/ Crime & Emergencies
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Published on May 24, 2023
SFPD Deploys Logos - Of All Things - To Deter Catalytic Converter TheftsSource: New exhaust system with catalytic converter (Getty Images)

In the Sunset District, the epicenter for catalytic converter theft in San Francisco, District 4 Supervisor Joel Engardio is launching a free program in collaboration with the police and auto shops to etch vehicle ID numbers and paint SFPD logos on the converters. Mechanics will execute this at a one-day event on June 2, open to all city residents. This measure has been taken in the hopes of making it harder for thieves to sell the stolen items and easier for the police to track them. Inspired by former SF and LA district attorney George Gascón's bill, which requires etching ID numbers on catalytic converters, Engardio hopes this technique will deter thefts by making the sale and trade of catalytic converters more accountable. Continue reading SFist →