Bay Area/ San Francisco/ Crime & Emergencies
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Published on November 13, 2023
Intoxicated Driver Crashes in South San Francisco, Highlights Impaired Driving Risks Ahead of HolidaysSource: South San Francisco Police Department

Yesterday, a collision in South San Francisco emphasized the risks of DUI. A South San Francisco Police Department Facebook post reported a suspect located behind a tree near a single-car accident scene on Junipero Serra Boulevard.

The officers investigating discovered that the driver was not just intoxicated but also driving with a suspended license. The driver had a previous DUI conviction and outstanding warrants. After losing control and hitting a guardrail, the suspect was apprehended without any injuries resulting from the accident.

In the midst of holiday celebrations, it remains vital to maintain responsibility on the roads. As the South San Francisco Police Department warns, "Don't Drink and Drive!!."

Various organizations strive to drive a deeper understanding of the impact of DUI incidents and increase public awareness. For example, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) leads multiple initiatives promoting responsible driving, from supporting drunk driving victims to advocating for stricter DUI laws.