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Published on March 11, 2024
Cobb County Earns Enhanced NFIP Discount, Flood Insurance Premiums Drop for ResidentsSource: Facebook/Cobb County Government

Cobb County residents are set to benefit from lighter wallets when it comes to flood insurance premiums starting April 1. The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) has acknowledged the county's enhanced floodplain management efforts by presenting a 15% discount to local property owners. This move is a significant upgrade from the previously offered 10% discount, which had been in effect since 1997.

Officials with the NFIP adjusted Cobb County's rating after an evaluation of the Water System’s dedication to manage resources and to actively engage in the Community Rating System (CRS) program. Their assessment recognized measures taken by the county such as land acquisition in flood-prone areas, broadening stream buffers, the development of dam breach zone mapping under Category I dams, and efforts to ramp up public education using social media platforms.

"We are excited to announce this recognition and share an example of stormwater services currently funded by our customers’ water and sewer fees," Judy Jones, Director of Cobb County Water System (CCWS), told Cobb County Communications. "Cobb County is committed to providing quality stormwater management services and is pleased that our efforts to manage stormwater and protect and educate residents have resulted in a tangible benefit for so many local families."

Riding on the crest of this achievement, the NFIP suggests that Cobb County could potentially become eligible for a further upgrade in the future. The CCWS Stormwater Management team is working assiduously to meet even higher goals in the hopes to bring additional savings to the community. In parallel to these efforts, CCWS is in discussions with the Board of Commissioners to map out the trajectory of stormwater management services aligned with the county's growing population.

For those seeking more information on flood insurance or the CRS program, FEMA remains a resource primed to assist. Interested parties are encouraged to contact the Federal Emergency Management Agency or visit their website for comprehensive understanding and assistance regarding these topics.

Atlanta-Real Estate & Development