Bay Area/ San Francisco/ Crime & Emergencies
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Published on April 16, 2024
Four Rescued Near Golden Gate Bridge After Boat Capsizes in San Francisco BaySFPD

Four lucky individuals were plucked from the chilling grasp of the San Francisco Bay after their vessel took a dive, the San Francisco Police Department's Marine Unit reported. In a chilling turn just miles from the iconic Golden Gate Bridge, the boat they were aboard capsized, tossing its occupants into the treacherous waters.

The harrowing incident occurred on the morning of April 14 at around 9:52 a.m., not far from the Great Highway and Fulton Street. Alerted to a maritime mishap, the SFPD's nautical team set sail to the rescue, accompanied by heroics from the crew of the San Francisco Bar Pilot Vessel "California."

In an operation that ended with four souls saved from an unforgiving sea, each victim was hoisted to safety by the quick-acting responders. Two of the party were handed off to the U.S. Coast Guard, who ensured a swift return to shore, while all four were subsequently transported to the hospital to treat non-life-threatening injuries.

The wayward vessel, now a ghost adrift, remains subject to a US Coast Guard-issued safety alert, its future retrieval from the waters pending. Meanwhile, the SFPD Marine Unit has issued an earnest plea to all mariners: verify all safety equipment and scrutinize the weather before courting the Bay's capricious tides. This information on the precautionary measures comes according to a statement from the San Francisco Police Department.