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Published on April 19, 2024
Ramsey County Conservation Corps' Dynamic Trio Tackles Invasive Species and Promotes Lake HealthSource: Ramsey County

Last summer, the wilds of Ramsey County were under the careful watch of three young conservationists armed with a singular mission: to kick invasive species to the curb. The Ramsey County Soil and Water Conservation Division (RCSWCD) played host to a mighty trio from the Conservation Corps, as reported by the county's official site. Al Henderson, Zoë Viana Feuer, and Alexis Kreider were the boots on the ground, conducting inspections of watercraft for the ubiquitous aquatic invasive species (AIS) at local lakes.

According to the RCSWCD’s narrative, the team didn't just poke around boats; they had conversations with the public, spreading the gospel on the perils of AIS infestations. They were armed with more than just knowledge, though – a decontamination unit was their trusty steed, ensuring each boat was as clean as a whistle before it made its way in or out of the water.

With their help, the RCSWCD managed to reign over invasive species at over a hundred sites – a notable feat by any measure. When not educating the masses or scrubbing down seafaring vessels, the conservationists conducted surveys of the local lake flora. They even went as far as seeding bare pathways at Tamarack Nature Center to stop erosion in its tracks and give our buzzing friends, the pollinators, a habitat to call home.

The RCSWCD itself doesn't just play chaperone to plucky volunteers. Its mandate spans the gamut of environmental do-goodery in Ramsey County. Their remit includes safeguarding groundwater, keeping invasives in check, controlling the onslaught of erosion, and keeping a close eye on both wildlife and wetlands. For those thirsting for more info or looking to dive into the conservation efforts, the RCSWCD has encouraged reaching out to Ann White-Eagle, Director of Operations.