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Published on May 09, 2024
Maricopa Residents Invited to Participate in Public Meetings for Anderson Farms PAD AmendmentSource: City of Maricopa

The City of Maricopa could be seeing changes to the Anderson Farms area, and citizens have a chance to weigh in. A major amendment to the existing Anderson Farms Planned Area Development (PAD) district has been proposed. The project site sits at the southeast corner of W. Bowlin Rd. and N. Hartman Rd. within the city's incorporated limits, according to the City of Maripoca.

The proposed amendment was filed by EPS Group, and the city has laid out a series of meetings for public input. On the docket are a neighborhood meet-up at the Maricopa Library & Cultural Center on May 23, a Planning and Zoning meeting, which will serve as a public hearing on June 10, and a City Council gathering on July 16, all allowing for residents' voices to be heard. The neighborhood and council meetings will commence at 6:00 PM, at the Maple Room of the library for the former, and the Council Chambers at City Hall for the latter two, as per the City of Maripoca.

For those who prefer the written word or cannot attend in person, written comments can be sent before or at the meetings. To have your say, or for any question that sticks in your mind, residents can reach out to case planner Alexander Bosworth at 520-316-6948. Alternatively, emails can fly his way at [email protected], with "PAD24-02" set as the subject line.

For the city's Spanish-speaking residents, translations of this information can be provided upon request. Simply get in touch with Alexander Bosworth at the number above, and assistance will be provided. The city of Maricopa appears to be opening the floor to its citizens, with an aim toward inclusivity, it seems, before the landscape of Anderson Farms possibly changes.