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Published on May 16, 2024
Arizona's Economy Bolstered by Ivanhoe Electric's Copper Operations, Backed by Congressional Visit in Casa GrandeSource: Pinal County

In a notable display of economic burgeoning within Arizona's heartland, on Monday, Congressman Juan Ciscomani accompanied Supervisor Miller on a tour of Ivanhoe Electric in Casa Grande, observing the drillcore (Correction: Previously identified as: extraction and cleaning operations of copper cathodes). The state, recognized for its substantial copper resources, derives substantial economic benefits from these operations, which not only contribute to the state's economy but also play a significant role in sustaining energy use nationwide. Pinal County's official announcement emphasized Ivanhoe Electric's longstanding commitment to the community.

According to the county's statement, District 3 prides itself on partnerships with entities such as Ivanhoe Electric, and those on the industrial frontier are rallying to supply the essential element that powers our vehicles, homes, and myriad devices. The district is lauded for facilitating the entire lifecycle of the copper industry within its bounds, from extraction to delivery to the end-user. Supervisor Miller extolled the region's natural endowment, explaining, "From Ajo to Globe-Miami, there is a roughly 20-mile-wide copper deposit that multiple companies, like Ivanhoe, are exploring."

The visit by Congressman Ciscomani to Ivanhoe Electric underscores the political support that such enterprises enjoy. Politicians on both the state and national level are increasingly recognizing the value of propelling industries that feed into the country's infrastructure and technological advancement. Ciscomani, having experienced the inner workings of copper production first-hand, perhaps gains fresh perspectives on the policies that could further bolster this indispensable sector of the economy.

"The good people at Ivanhoe Electric, many of whom have been there for a long time, are doing tremendous work," conveyed Supervisor Miller, acknowledging the workforce behind this essential operation. In an era where job creation and economic stability are paramount, Ivanhoe Electric was highlighted not just for its economic contributions but also as a source of meaningful, well-paid jobs, a fact that resonates strongly in the local community.