Having first surfaced back in January 2013, plans to construct four new buildings at the corner of Page and Steiner got a little easier to visualize this week.
Socketsite published a rendering of the proposed development, which involves construction of four 4-story apartment condo buildings at the current site of a City CarShare lot and the Page Street Baptist Center building:

Socketsite notes that the project faces opposition from one Page Street resident who fears it "will result in the loss of light and privacy and an increase in noise," in Socketsite's words. That resident has requested a Discretionary Review by the Planning Commission, which means the project will now face a possible extra round of scrutiny.
The odds may be stacked against that challenge, however, as Planning Department staff have recommended that the project—which would create 12 new 3-bedroom units—be approved as-is without Discretionary Review.
Though the building meets all planning code requirements, the added review could stall the project's forward progress. It's unclear what the current project timeline might be, but we'll be sure to keep you posted with updates.