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Published on October 17, 2023
Hate Crimes on the Rise in Illinois: Attorney General Advocates for Reporting and Advisory ResourcesSource: Google Street View

A recent upswing in hate crimes in Illinois has been reported, apparently spurred by ongoing Middle East conflicts, migration issues and escalating racial and religious tensions. The shocking act of violence that occurred in Plainfield yesterday, as reported by Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul, serves as a potent example of current societal divisions and the urgent need to address them.

Attorney General Raoul has highlighted a range of resources to combat hate crimes and to assist crime victims in Illinois. He urges residents to swiftly report incidents and discrimination to local law enforcement and to the Attorney General's Civil Rights Bureau, as per the Office of the Attorney General. The Civil Rights Bureau aims to enforce state and federal civil rights laws, prohibiting hate crimes and discrimination across the state.

To repair the more intangible damage inflicted by these crimes, Attorney General's Crime Victims Compensation Program provides financial aid to eligible victims of violent crimes and their families.