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Published on May 20, 2024
Coos Bay Wins Federal Grant for Marshfield Pioneer Cemetery, Seeks Public Input on Restoration PlansSource: Oregon Parks and Recreation Department

Coos Bay residents are being given a voice in how a slice of federal money will spruce up their local historical site. The city has netted a $16,500 federal grant targeting the restoration of the Marshfield Pioneer Cemetery, an announcement from the Oregon State Historic Preservation Office confirmed. Officials specified that the grant, sourced from the federal Historic Preservation Fund, will go towards the repair and leveling of markers—a move aimed at preserving the fidelity of the local history embedded within the cemetery's storied grounds.

Seeking to engage the community, the City of Coos Bay has ushered in a 30-day comment period for public input on the project—a democratic gesture rooted in Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act as well as the National Environmental Policy Act. Leading the conversation, alive with the town's heartbeat, locals are encouraged not just to speak but also to learn more about what this grant spells for their town's legacy.

Questions and comments from the public are not only welcomed but are essential to the fabric of this undertaking. Kuri Gill, a contact for the project, has been designated to serve as a bridge between the citizens' voices and the gears of government action. Through either a visit to the federal grant public comment section on their website or a direct line via email or phone, interested parties have been afforded a clear path to have their say.

Affirming the city's commitment to transparency and community involvement, the official notice explicitly invites the public to partake in the project's deliberation phase. It is an invitation not just to observe, but to help steer the course of Coos Bay's historical narrative. Indeed, the grant signals more than a mere refurbishment; it is a symbol of the reverent stewardship owed to the city's ancestors and the legacy they have bequeathed.

For more information or to offer commentary on the restoration plans of the Marshfield Pioneer Cemetery, reach out to Kuri Gill at [email protected] or call 503-986-0685. Details on the grant and how to comment can also be found by visiting the aforesaid website