Bay Area/ San Francisco
Published on August 27, 2012
Nosa Ria Spanish Market Opens This Week
San Francisco’s only Spanish market opens this week... and it’s happening here in Hayes Valley.

Nosa Ria Market, located at the corner of Fell and Laguna, will be the city’s first market that only sells food and merchandise from Spain. This new addition to our neighborhood is the brainchild of Krista and Manuel, the co-owners of the shop. The pair has been working on the idea for this store for years and Hayes Valley was their first choice for a location. As Krista explained it to us, “We were having brunch at Bar Jules and saw this space was available. We luckily signed the lease and began the change of use permit process immediately.” Several months later, Nosa Ria is slated to open within a few days.
many kinds of chocolate
So why are Krista and Manuel opening this store? “Manuel’s family is from Spain and has a deep passion for it” Krista explained. “The idea for Nosa Ria came from us not having a market in San Francisco proper with food from Spain.” Due to what they felt was missing, the store will only carry items imported from Spain. Food, kitchenware, soaps and sweets are the things they wanted as a consumer but couldn’t find... so now they’re bringing them to you.
assortment of merchandise
Get those appetites ready, because now we want to talk about what they’ll have in stock. Nosa Ria will have a variety of meats like jamón, chorizo and lomo (loin), ones that might already be familiar to Americans. Some items that could be new are cured and canned seafoods, such as sardines, mussels, claims and pulpo. (Pulpo is both the Spanish word for “octopus” and the inspiration for their logo) In addition to the meats, they’ll also carry cheeses, olive oils, veggies and chocolates, all with the goal of mixing simple, authentic foods with high quality delicacies. And don’t forget about toiletries. Manuel made it a point to get the soap he grew up using but couldn't find in the States. Those of you looking for thinly sliced jamón on a baguette might be disappointed. They won’t be prepping any food in the store, so no sandwiches will be available. Nosa Ria will purely be a market giving you ingredients for kitchen-making, roof-eating and park-snacking meals.
To get the store ready for this week, Krista and Manuel only had to do light construction to alter the way it was left by Blo Salon. Krista pointed out “it only took a few weeks to refinish the floors and add a few small walls to protect the staircase that’s located in the middle of the store.”
handmade shelving
Working with local businesses to make their dream happen was really important to them. “We’ve worked with lots of small and local businesses to develop the store. We wanted them to share our vision of opening a mom & pop shop. This will be a small business rooted in its community.” And as we mentioned before, “its community” is exactly where they wanted to be. “We love Hayes Valley” Krista said. “So neighborhoody. People know each other and have been super kind and gracious. Anyone from fellow merchants to people who live on this block.”
Although they haven't even opened, they already have a few plans outlined for the future. The team is currently working on a wine license, and might consider one for beer down the road. Located at 500 Laguna, Nosa Ria will be open for business Tues-Sat (11-7) and Sun (11-5). Krista informed us they're doing a soft opening one day this week and might have an official celebration in September. Soon as they announce which day, we’ll be sure to let you know.