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Published on May 05, 2024
Miami-Dade Police Department Bids Fond Farewell to Longtime Spokesman Detective Alvaro ZabaletaSource: X/Miami-Dade Police

After a solid run of 26 years, Detective Alvaro Zabaleta hung up his hat as the public information officer for the Miami-Dade Police Department. Zabaleta, known for his service in the department, received an emotional farewell on what marked his last day on duty, as reported by Local 10 News.

Colleagues lined up, tears and smiles in tow, to embrace the departing Zabaleta — Miami-Dade's go-to guy for department insights and a media liaison for over two decades. Singled out for his years of dedication, with a standing ovation, many were seen wishing they could bottle some of his experience for the years upcoming challenges.

Miami-Dade PD's post on X invited the community to join in the celebrations, sharing in the collective sentiment, "Congratulations!" A hat tip, it was, to the years Zabaleta dedicated to bridging the gap between the public and law enforcement.



His career, wrapped in a legacy of being the department's voice, leaves behind large shoes to fill. With the clapping of his colleagues echoing beyond the precinct's walls, it was clear that Zabaleta's commitment to service was appreciated by all, leaving behind a narrative of dedication that may just inspire the next generation in blue.