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Published on May 13, 2024
Facing Up to 40 Years, Paul Pelosi Attacker David DePape to Receive Federal Sentence This FridaySource: California DMV

David DePape, the man who launched a violent assault against Paul Pelosi in 2022, faces a federal sentencing hearing set for this Friday, as reported by SFist. After admitting to the attack, which occurred in the early hours at the Pelosi residence, DePape was convicted on charges that included attempted kidnapping of a federal official and assault on a family member of a government official.

Prosecutors are pushing for the harshest penalty, wherein DePape could face up to 40 years in federal prison, a term that would see him into his 80s upon release. The ABC News report underlines that the department has labeled DePape's actions as "an act of terrorism" and is advocating for a sentence that surpasses the guidelines set for the crime committed. The Justice Department insisted that "the violent lessons that the defendant wanted to teach are not permitted in this country, and the sentence that this court imposes must reflect the nature and circumstances of the offense."

Meanwhile, DePape's federal public defenders are requesting leniency, claiming mitigating factors as revealed by SFist. They argue that DePape showed some remorse for the attack and cite an abusive relationship with former partner Gypsy Taub that they contend immersed him in extremism as factors that should lead to a lighter sentencing of 14 years.

Simultaneous to the federal case, DePape's trial on state charges for attempted murder, among other allegations, has commenced. Notwithstanding, the federal court's decision to proceed with sentencing, even as his defense lawyers argued for delays due to the overlap with the state trial proceedings. The public's gaze fixes on this case as the narratives of terror and mental instability interlace with a broader concern over the influence of conspiracy theories and radicalization.

DePape's stepdaughter has even addressed the man's mental state, with SFist reporting her belief in his mental illness and acknowledging a history of abuse within their household. The attacker's convoluted journey, which led him from homelessness to contemplate acts of political extremism, has been the subject of extensive scrutiny. According to Hoodline, this culminated in his digital compilation of "favorite politicians" and his heinous plan to hold Nancy Pelosi hostage, which nearly cost her husband his life.