The weather report shows more warm temperatures are in store for Bakersfield today, according to the seven-day forecast from drone-powered weather service Saildrone. The weather today will bring a weekly high temperature of 70 degrees, with a high of only 55 degrees expected on Monday.
Don't expect much, if any, rain this coming week, with the likelihood of showers remaining under 30% for the next seven days.
Skies will be cloudy all week. Winds are forecast to reach a modest high of 14 mph on Tuesday, while today will be calmer with a top speed of just 5 mph.
This story was created automatically using Saildrone's local weather forecast data, then reviewed by an editor. We also incorporate historic weather data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Click here for more about what we're doing. Got thoughts? Go here to share your feedback.