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Published on July 27, 2023
San Francisco Third In California For Highest Homelessness RateSFGov

A New Analysis of the Homelessness Situation in California

Contrary to popular belief, the cities with the highest homelessness rates in California are not San Francisco, but Oakland and Los Angeles, according to a recent report. Nevertheless, it's concerning to note that California still houses the top five cities with escalating homelessness rates nationwide. In a surprising twist, the homelessness rate in San Francisco has in fact declined, an achievement unique in the context of many comparably sized American cities, where homelessness has seen a troubling rise since the onset of the pandemic. These findings suggest a complex situation that contravenes the typical narrative.

Still, the situation remains far from ideal, as cities on the west coast struggle in comparison to their east coast counterparts, the cause of which might be tied to their drastically different weather conditions and accompanying legislative rules around homelessness. The role of the weather also comes to the fore in a shocking statistic that declares that in 2022, California alone accounted for half the number of unsheltered individuals nationwide. While San Francisco might have individual systemic challenges contributing to homelessness, this data underlines the need for comprehensive statewide efforts to ameliorate this profound issue. To read the complete article visit SFist