Los Angeles/ Crime & Emergencies
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Published on December 07, 2023
Mission Viejo Sheriff's Department Launches Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Campaign Amid Spike in FatalitiesSource: Google Street View

Cracking down on safety violations, the Mission Viejo Sheriff's Department is setting sights on a major bicycle and pedestrian safety enforcement operation this weekend. As reported by the OC Sheriff's office, the intent is clear: to educate road users and reduce the number of fatalities involving cyclists and pedestrians.

On December 9, law enforcement officers will be patrolling the streets, on the lookout for any infraction that might endanger lives, whether it's a driver speeding, a pedestrian jaywalking, or a cyclist ignoring traffic signals. Recent statistics are stark, showing a significant uptick in such deaths. According to the OC Sheriff's Office, pedestrian fatalities in California are up nearly 33 percent since 2012, a concerning figure that suggests urgent action is needed.

The educational operation is not just about handing out tickets but also about spreading awareness. According to details from the OC Sheriff's website, pedestrians should stick to crosswalks and make sure they're visible to drivers, while drivers are urged to stay alert and cede the right of way when necessary. Cyclists, not to be left out, must adhere to the same rules as cars when sharing the road and are reminded to don protective gear like helmets, especially those under 18, for whom it's a legal requirement.

Backing this initiative is the "Go Safely, California" campaign, a new push by the state to foster safer travel. The funding stream for these enforcement efforts comes from a grant by the California Office of Traffic Safety, enabled through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. By investing in education and enforcement, the goal is to reverse the upswing in tragic roadway incidents that stain our city's streets with loss and mourning, a stark reminder of the fragility of life in the bustling byways where metal and flesh too often meet with fatal consequences.