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Published on February 27, 2024
Dallas Embarks on Urban Renaissance with "ForwardDallas" Plan and Digital Initiatives for Neighborhoods and BusinessesCity of Dallas

Dallas is stepping into the future with a citywide initiative aiming to sculpt the metropolitan landscape into a more livable, economically potent, and sustainable community, the City of Dallas Planning and Urban Design Department (PUD) is spearheading this charge with its comprehensive plan known as ForwardDallas. As revealed by the Tap In Dallas bulletin, PUD is engaging deeply with citizens to ensure the blueprint reflects a collective vision for the city.

At the heart of PUD's mission is to enhance Dallas's livability and equity; they're doing this by updating ForwardDallas, a strategic document that informs public and private land use and city aesthetics, influencing how Dallasites will work, commute, and live. The department has been facilitating several community engagement events and roundtables to gather input, ensuring the revisions of the plan align with residents' needs and aspirations, which were aggressively pursued throughout January.

Additionally, there’s a growing digital footprint designed to empower Dallas neighborhoods. The Neighborhood Organization Map (NOM) available for viewing online, is a voluntary registry showcasing active neighborhood organizations across Dallas. PUD uses NOM to involve homeowner associations, neighborhood associations, and neighborhood coalitions more directly in urban development processes.

In the pipeline for Dallas's self-improvement endeavors is the Small Business Center (SBC), set to feature in next month's edition of Tap In Dallas, which consolidates the city’s resources to foster small business growth and provide workforce development support for the local community, this initiative represents another layer of the city's commitment to sustainable urban evolution.

On a practical note for Dallas residents, soon the chore of paying water bills will become less of a hassle. Dallas Water Utilities (DWU) is introducing DallasGo, a modernized payment platform that promises a user-friendly interface and hassle-free payment options, the new system, expected to be operational by spring 2024, will replace the current ePay system.

Dallas-Real Estate & Development