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Published on March 26, 2024
Eastman Announces $1.2 Billion Expansion in Longview, Texas, with Governor Abbott's EndorsementSource: Office of the Texas Governor

Eastman is set to beef up its Longview, Texas presence, thanks to Governor Greg Abbott's latest announcement. The chemical giant is building an additional manufacturing facility, plunking down $1.2 billion and promising to cook up over 200 new jobs. To sweeten the deal, Texas has tossed a $2,040,000 Texas Enterprise Fund grant into the mix, according to a statement from Governor Abbott's office.

"Texas is where businesses flourish and people prosper," Abbott declared, his words dripping with Lone Star pride. The governor credited the state's workforce, business climate, and light-touch regulations for reeling in the global corporation. Eastman's expansion in Longview is expected to add a chunky slice of capital investment to East Texas while handing hardworking Texans hundreds of good-paying jobs.

State Representative Jay Dean called the investment a win for East Texas communities. Echoing these sentiments, Eastman's big cheese, CEO Mark Costa, tipped his hat to the governor and Texas for their ongoing partnership. He waxed enthusiastic about setting up the world-scale plant, which aims to tackle plastic waste with state-of-the-art molecular recycling, tidying up the region's environmental footprint in the process.

"I am thrilled with the announcement of Eastman’s plans to make such a large investment at their Longview facility," beamed Longview Mayor Andy Mack. The mayor touched on the approximately 1,000 temporary construction jobs the project will spawn, spotlighting the economic boom they're expected to inject into the local economy. Harrison County Judge Chad Simms added his voice to the chorus of approval, highlighting Eastman's stalwart role in the community since the 1950s.

Wayne Mansfield, honcho of the Longview Economic Development Corp., couldn't be happier that Eastman stuck with Longview for their latest growth spurt. Mansfield's pride in the local workforce and infrastructure was palpable, noting Eastman's confidence in the region's assets as they get ready to blend the circular economy into Longview's heart.