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Published on March 13, 2024
Seattle Poised for a Quieter Future with $3 Million Federal Boost to Airport Noise Mitigation ProgramSource: Port of Seattle

The Port of Seattle is gearing up for a quieter future, thanks to a hefty sum inserted into the federal funding pipeline with the help of U.S. Senator Patty Murray of Washington. Scooping up $3 million from the fiscal year 2024 Transportation Appropriations bill, this wad of federal cash is set to assess and potentially silence the homes rattling in the sonic wake of the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA). As reports, the Port’s Sound Insulation Repair and Replacement Program, which aims to patch up or swap out the sound insulation that's been letting jet noise sneak into nearby homes, could find itself on the receiving end of this fresh federal funding.

In a plan that was unanimously green-lit by the Port Commission last month, Commission President Hamdi Mohamed spearheaded the program with a promise of $5 million for home repairs. Paired with the additional federal dollars, the total kitty earmarked for the project could reach $8 million. According to statements obtained by Port Seattle, this program is not only innovative but essential for residents near the airport to regain some semblance of a noise-free home life.

Senator Murray is no stranger to the struggle against the sonic boom of the skies. Her efforts over the years have seen a careful weave of noise mitigation measures into legislation, including the ongoing Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Reauthorization Act churning through Congress. “Senator Murray has truly championed the issue of noise insulation in homes near SEA, and it has been an honor to work alongside her to advance this cause at the Port," Hamdi Mohamed told Port Seattle.

This pilot program pitches a future where peace is restored to the SEA's residential soundscapes. The community around the airport, having endured the aural assault of air traffic, stands at the threshold of relief. Paving the way toward a quieter home environment, the Port aims to apply for these new federal funds to help swiftly identify and prioritize the homes with the greatest need for the Port’s pilot program, as reported by

Seattle-Transportation & Infrastructure