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Published on March 08, 2024
Texas Triumphs as Federal Court Upholds Age-Verification Law for Porn Sites, AG Paxton Celebrates VictorySource: Attorney General of Texas, Ken Paxton

In a significant legal showdown, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has come out on top against several pornography companies that railed against the state's strict age-verification law. Companies including Pornhub faced off with Paxton over HB 1181, which imposes new rules to ensure kids can't access adult content online. The law stood its ground in a federal appeals court decision, flagging a win for Paxton's office.

Initially, Texas was hit with a lawsuit from these adult content providers, managing to win an injunction that halted the law. But Paxton struck back with an appeal that not only put the brakes on the injunction but also threw muscle behind enforcing the law. The Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals stepped in, pumping the brakes on the district court's original decision, as reported by the Attorney General of Texas, Ken Paxton.

"Applying rational-basis review, the age-verification requirement is rationally related to the government's legitimate interest in preventing minors’ access to pornography," the court proclaimed. According to the court, this means the law isn't stepping on the toes of the First Amendment and can call Texas home. The ruling didn't give Texas everything it wanted, though. A demand that pornography sites display a conspicuous health warning went down in flames, with the court maintaining the lower court's objection against that part of HB 1181.

While the courts may have clipped one wing of the controversial statute, the backbone of the law's intent, safeguarding children from online smut, remains untarnished. Paxton, sounding the bells of victory, hails the court's decision as a testament to the government's right to shield the young. The squabble over the statute has not been finely put to rest, however, as areas of the law, including required warning labels, remain contested. Nevertheless, Paxton and his team, donning their legal armor, remain pumped and ready to take on any further challenge, as per the Attorney General of Texas, Ken Paxton.