Looking to spearhead the charge against global food insecurity and environmental challenges, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is on a recruitment drive. Announced today, a new position for a Supervisory Agricultural Specialist is up for grabs at the Agency's hub on D Street in Southwest Washington, D.C.
The job, nested within the Bureau for Resilience, Environment, and Food Security's (REFS) Feed the Future Office of Country Implementation (OCI) seeks an individual ready to lead initiatives in agriculture-driven growth and environmental sustainability. The selected specialist will play a pivotal role in USAID's mission to counteract perennial problems such as climate change, environmental degradation, and resource scarcity – all of which feed into global cycles of crisis, poverty, and hunger.
According to USAID's job listing, REFS is the spearhead of the agency's expertise in various sectors, including resilience, environment, food security, and nutrition. With an agenda focused on reducing poverty and enhancing both sustainability and national security, the role demands collaboration with diverse partners ranging from federal departments to private-sector players.
Seeking to make a tangible impact, the Bureau for REFS at USAID is not only about leadership but also about integrated technical expertise on a global scale. The new hire will have the responsibility of facilitating partnerships with governments, civil society, and other key players essential in transforming the agriculture landscape of partner countries. The ultimate goal, alleviating chronic vulnerability and hunger, is a testament to the forward-leaning vision of USAID's mission and its pragmatic commitment to international development.