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Published on May 27, 2024
Fort Worth Shelter Issues Urgent Call for Foster Parents Amid Kitten Population SurgeSource: City of Fort Worth, Texas

The kitten population is booming at Fort Worth Animal Care & Control and the shelter is sending out an S.O.S for foster parents. With tiny paws and whiskers aplenty, these furballs are in dire need of temporary homes. The shelter's cry for help comes at a time when the feline surplus has reached critical mass, and the kindness of locals is their only lifeline, according to the City of Fort Worth.

Overflowing with the latest surge of kittens, the shelter has become desperate for volunteers to step up to the plate. They've put the call out for any person willing to open their home, if only temporarily, to these feline refugees, in a plea by the City of Fort Worth. The message is clear: "Your support can make all the difference in providing these kittens with the care and love they need until they find their forever homes." In the tide of mewling and frolicking, the hope is to buoy these kittens to safer shores with the help of the community.

Fort Worth residents interested in fostering are urged to reach out via email, and in return, they'll be matched ASAP with a kitten—or kittens—in need. By signing up, fosters provide more than just a roof; they offer a bridge to a brighter future for these animals. It's more than a stopgap, it's a lifesaving gesture. Time is ticking for these baby cats, along with the response time that matters most in this all-hands-on-deck situation.

It's not just about opening up your home. It's about opening up your heart to a creature that, despite having just embarked on life's journey, has already found itself in turbulent waters. Foster parents play a pivotal role, the shelter insists, as quoted by the City of Fort Worth, that "Your compassion and willingness to help" is key in this communal effort to safeguard the welfare of the city's youngest feline residents.