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Published on June 28, 2024
Arlington's Fourth of July: City Promotes Fireworks Safety and Announces Fine Increases for ViolatorsSource: City of Arlington, Texas

As the winds of July stir the summer air, the City of Arlington is promoting a sparkler-free Fourth of July, urging residents to skip the backyard fireworks in favor of professional displays. The city's stance on these light-up festivities is clear: setting off fireworks within city limits is not only illegal but dangerous. This year, violators could find themselves paying fines up to $2,000, a hefty price for a brief flicker of celebration, according to the City of Arlington, Texas.

Arlington officials are well aware of the tradition of lighting up the sky on Independence Day. However, the risks of injury and fire damage cast a shadow over these unauthorized pyrotechnics displays. In preparation for the expected surge in illicit activity, the city is reinstating its online fireworks reporting tool—an avenue for residents to report the use of fireworks without clogging emergency phone lines. The reporting portal, accessible via the red banner atop any Arlington city webpage and within the city’s Ask Arlington app, bridges the gap between public safety and civic responsibility.

Residents are asked to report fireworks activity through the online system at specific times starting from 7 p.m. June 29 to 3 a.m. June 30, continuing each evening until the morning of July 5. According to the City of Arlington, Texas, "this site allows residents to see the status of calls working in their neighborhoods as well."

For those seeking the thrill of fireworks without the risk, Arlington invites the community to its free downtown fireworks display on June 29. The event, part of the Light Up Arlington festivities, promises to dazzle with an explosive performance capping off the night at 9:50 p.m. as a safer alternative to personal pyrotechnics.