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Published on June 13, 2024
Austin Resource Recovery Urges Businesses to Unite in Reducing Plastic Waste, Aligning with U.S. Plastics PactSource: Unsplash / Nick Fewings

In a move that could spearhead a sustainability revolution, Austin Resource Recovery (ARR) is calling on local businesses to join the fight against plastic packaging waste by aligning with the U.S. Plastics Pact's Roadmap 2.0. The roadmap sets forth a series of ambitious targets intended to push the nation toward a more circular economy, one where plastic no longer ends up as landfill fodder but is instead recycled, reused, or composted, keeping it in economic circulation, according to the City of Austin's official blog.

The national strategy hinges on several key goals, such as the elimination of certain problematic plastics, designing 100% of plastic packaging to be reusable, recyclable, or compostable, and achieving a 30% reduction in the use of virgin plastics, this includes increasing the recycled or biobased content in packaging materials, and also the need to establish an effective recycling infrastructure for 50% of plastic packaging. These targets support Austin's zero waste aspirations and aim to leverage the innovation and sustainability focus shared by the significant coalition of more than 160 companies and various organizations that are part of the founding members of the U.S. Plastics Pact.

By enjoining more stakeholders to participate in these efforts, there's a collective enhancement of the initiative's capacity to drive significant changes across the country, ARR hopes to witness a significant weakening in the flow of plastics polluting the environment. The organization is actively engaging with businesses and stakeholders in the Central Texas area. It advocates for them to understand the objectives and converge their efforts in support of the U.S. Plastics Pact's blueprint for a sustainable future.

In a practical display of its commitment, Austin is conducting an introspective analysis of the plastic waste generated within its own facilities, revealing a dedication to meticulous progress in examining the purchase and utility of single-use plastics, reinforcing financial procedures, and ramping up employee education and training. These various strategies are part of a broader, more comprehensive campaign to transform plastic into a valuable resource rather than a burdensome waste.

Residents and businesses in Austin interested in learning more about the initiatives or seeking involvement can access information on plastic waste reduction initiatives through the link on the City's blog, which further elaborates on the city's strategies toward minimizing its contribution to plastic pollution.