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Published on June 21, 2024
Denton County Initiates Ground Fogging to Counter West Nile Virus Following Positive Mosquito DetectionSource: Google Street View

In the wake of a positive West Nile Virus (WNV) detection in Denton County, local health officials are gearing up to launch a series of ground fogging initiatives designed to curb the mosquito population responsible for the virus's spread. The Denton County Public Health (DCPH) identified the positive WNV mosquito trap in a rural swath northwest of Dish, in proximity to Eakin Cemetery Road, as reported by Denton County, Texas.

The response action will see Denton County engulfed in a veil of insecticide as DCPH deploys truck-based ultra-low volume fogging, starting Friday, June 21, and continuing through to Sunday, with each session lasting from the evening hour of 9 PM up until 5 AM, weather permitting, according to the same source at the DCPH.

Alongside these measures, the DCPH has issued guidance to help residents reduce their risk of exposure to WNV. They've laid out clear steps: eliminating stagnant water to destroy breeding sites, donning protective clothing such as long sleeves and pants, and the employment of EPA-registered repellants boasting ingredients like DEET, Picaridin, or Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus.

Information pertinent to the upcoming fogging operations—including detailed maps of the affected areas—can be found on the DCPH West Nile Virus website, with the local authorities taking measures to ensure residents in the impacted locales are duly notified through emergency alerts and vivid signage.