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Published on June 25, 2024
Former Airline Mechanic Sentenced to Six Months for Sexual Assault on Seattle-Bound FlightSource: Google Street View

A former airline mechanic was sentenced to a term of six months in prison and five years of supervised release after pleading guilty to the sexual assault of a woman on a flight from Phoenix to Seattle, as announced by the U.S. Attorney's office. Duane Brick, 53, who entered his plea on March 5, was handed down his sentence earlier today by U.S. District Judge James H. Chun, who described the assault as "serious and frightening" and labeled Brick a "predator," according to the Department of Justice.

The incident, which occurred on March 20, 2023, began after the 24-year-old victim, who had taken an anti-anxiety medication due to her apprehensions about flying, attempted to rest by putting on headphones and closing her eyes. Brick, seated next to her, initiated contact by grabbing and placing the victim's hand onto his crotch, determined she was unresponsive, and proceeded to tap her on various parts of her body, eventually groping her under her clothing. When the victim resisted and pushed his hand away, Brick nevertheless persisted in his attempt to assault her further. Assistant United States Attorney Grace Zoller said the assault in court was "intentional, methodical, and prolonged," and emphasized that Brick knew the victim was not consenting.

An aisle passenger who observed the assault immediately notified the flight crew, who did not call law enforcement to meet the plane upon landing despite the victim's request. Controversially, Brick, being an employee of their airline, was allowed to disembark quickly in Seattle, after claiming that the touching was accidental. It wasn't until the victim went to authorities that the full extent of the attack came to light, leading to Brick’s indictment on April 12, 2023, and his subsequent termination from the airline.

The FBI led the investigation into the assault, resulting in today’s sentencing. Despite the swift legal conclusion, many are left questioning the protocols adopted by airline crews when dealing with such incidents, especially when involving their employees. While the victim's courage in reporting the attack was pivotal for the legal process to unfold, the initial inaction of the flight attendants has raised concerns over the safety and support provided to passengers in similar distressing situations.