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Published on June 27, 2024
Fulshear Community Grieves as 12-Year-Old Girl with Autism Found Deceased in Lake After Extensive SearchSource: Facebook/Fulshear Police

The Fulshear community is in mourning following the discovery of 12-year-old Aisha Adebayo, who was found dead after she wandered away from her home Wednesday night. According to FOX26 Houston, Aisha, who was non-verbal due to autism, was discovered in a lake close to her residence in the Cross Creek Ranch neighborhood.

The search efforts commenced promptly after she went missing, with her father alerting authorities at around 9:00 pm on Wednesday. An all-night search ensued, involving upwards of 200 community members and law enforcement, as described in a statement obtained by FOX26 Houston. Neighbors contributed to the search by reviewing security footage from the relevant timeframe, between 8:45 pm and 9:30 pm, for any clues on Aisha's whereabouts. Tragically, by 4:13 am, the search was concluded with the heartbreaking news of her accidental drowning.

In a separate report from KHOU, Aisha's family expressed their gratitude to the community for their support in the search efforts. "We appreciate the people of the city of Fulshear as well as Richmond, Houston, and everybody that has come to assist us in locating our daughter," Aisha’s father, Mutiu Adebayo, told KHOU.

Fulshear Police Department, along with other agencies, orchestrated an intensive search using resources such as helicopters and K-9 units, including a bloodhound from Texas EquuSearch. Neighbor's security videos eventually revealed Aisha moving toward the lake where she was ultimately found. Fulshear police’s Capt. Mike McCoy was quoted by KHOU saying, “Literally hundreds of people, citizens of this community came out to help us search because we truly are a family out here. And it was amazing to see,” he expressed, "You would’ve been amazed to see all the flashlights and cars driving back and forth, we literally had hundreds and hundreds of eyes helping us out so it was just heart-rendering."

The incident has prompted a continued investigation by local authorities as they work to understand the specifics leading up to Aisha's death. Fulshear Police have asked that the community hold Aisha's family in their thoughts and prayers during such an incredibly tough period, as reported by FOX26 Houston.