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Published on June 25, 2024
Hulk Hogan's Son, Nick Bollea, Sentenced to Probation After DUI Plea in ClearwaterSource: Unsplash/ Tingey Injury Law Firm

Nick Bollea, more recognizable as the son of wrestling superstar Hulk Hogan, has pleaded guilty to a DUI charge following an incident in Clearwater last year. He has been sentenced to a year of probation and is facing various penalties aimed at correcting his behavior. FOX 13 News reports that the 33-year-old's driver's license has been suspended for one year, with the probability of the probation period being reduced after six months.

According to the same source, Bollea's agreement includes a provision for attending a DUI school, performing 100 hours of community service, and a clear abstention from alcohol, bars, or clubs. It was on a night in November 2023 when Bollea sped past a Clearwater Police traffic stop, resulting in his DUI arrest. Found in the median lane of Gulf to Bay Boulevard in a black Dodge Ram, with officers flashing signals nearby, he failed to heed warnings designed to keep both him and those at the roadside safe.

The incident resulted in an additional charge for violating the 'Move Over' law, according to detail from ABC Action News. When finally stopped, Bollea exhibited signs of impairment and performed poorly on field sobriety tests, further complicating the son of the wrestling legend's legal woes. His refusal to submit to a breath test did little to assuage concerns from the responding officers who noted his bloodshot eyes and the odor of alcohol.

This isn't Bollea's first encounter with driving-related infractions. Back in 2007, a reckless driving incident led to serious injury of his passenger and an eight-month jail sentence for Bollea. Under the glaring eye of the public and the court system, he now walks a tightrope of mandated sobriety and service to the community, as reported by KARK. With this recent incident, it appears the shadow of Hulk Hogan's fame continues to cast a complex light on his son's path forward.

Tampa-Crime & Emergencies