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Published on June 14, 2024
Hundreds of Aramark Workers Rally in Center City for Healthcare and Fair Wages, Senator Arrested During ProtestSource: Wikipedia/ajay_suresh, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Hundreds of Aramark employees descended upon Center City near the company's global headquarters yesterday, where they staged a protest under the representation of UNITE Here Local 274, with demands including healthcare benefits and living wages. The gathering saw cooks, servers, bartenders, dishwashers, and concessions workers united in their cause, as captured by SkyForce10, armed with a 40-foot banner declaring "ARAMARK - HEALTHCARE NOW" and joined by an inflatable fat cat to symbolize their displeasure with the corporation's policies. According to NBC Philadelphia, the peaceful blockage of the area around 24th and Market streets commenced promptly at 4 p.m., leading to significant traffic disruptions.

The situation escalated when the Philadelphia police arrived at approximately 5:30 p.m., and commenced the arrest of several protesters, Senator Nikil Saval, a voice for Pennsylvania’s 1st District, found among those taken into custody. PHL17 reported that demonstrators readied for arrest had adorned black fabric around their arms, the material serving as a stark symbol of the resolve and readiness of the workers to face the consequences of their civil disobedience, many of which included earnings well below a life-sustaining threshold and inconsistent access to health benefits.

As of the event's conclusion, at least 45 individuals were detained by the authorities, facing a $50 fine as per the Philadelphia police department's policy on such civil infractions. Amid the arrests, Senator Saval emphasized the gravity of the demonstration stating, "It's important to put your body on the line and show you care. And frankly, enough is enough. The company needs to come back to the table, bargain fairly," told 6ABC. He noted the glaring incongruity of workers laboring year-round without reliable healthcare and without wages sufficient to sustain a family in the contemporary economy.

The pressure from the union appears unwavering, as UNITE Here seeks imminent negotiations with Aramark officials to hammer out a fair contract that respects the dignity of labor, and in response, Aramark conveyed its commitment to work towards a resolution, claiming respect for the workers' right to protest. This conciliatory note, however, does little to ameliorate the immediate grievances of the workers, whose disruption of the daily flow of Center City’s commerce serves as both a testament to their plight and a plea for a return to negotiations which the company has expressed openness in a statement obtained by 6ABC.