San Antonio/ Community & Society
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Published on June 19, 2024
San Antonio Launches Grant Program for Small Businesses Affected by Construction, Offers Up to $35,000 in AidSource: Facebook/City of San Antonio - Municipal Government

In a bid to provide a financial lifeline to local businesses hemmed in by city development, the City of San Antonio has unveiled a grant program specifically aimed at softening the financial blow experienced by small enterprises during ongoing infrastructural enhancements. According to a recent announcement, these establishments, shouldering the burden of reduced consumer access and sales distress, might now see up to $35,000 in support through the Small Business Construction Support grant.

Tracing a spate of construction efforts ranging from June 2020 to February 2023, this initiative seeks to cross the t's and dot the i's for those caught up in these specified project areas, including multiple streets around the Broadway Street Corridor and The Alamo, the program, which is not on a first-come, first-served basis, will scrutinize applications and hand out awards gauged on an assessed need basis to be considered eligible businesses must boast a minimum $10,000 gross sales in 2022 and they must have been operational before 2022 while demonstrating significant profit/loss fluctuations within the past two fiscal years among other requirements.

Partnering with LiftFund, an organization known for its role in facilitating financial support for small businesses, the city amplifies its commitment to maintaining a buoyant small business ecosystem amidst the challenges of growth and expansion. "San Antonio is continually growing and thriving," City Manager Erik Walsh told the city's news releases, furthermore, emphasizing that the city prioritizes infrastructural projects and resource allocation to help alleviate the perils of progress on smaller commercial outfits.

The stipulations for the grant are fairly detailed ensuring that relief reaches its intended recipients; applications which opened in May of this year, require demonstration of at least a $5,000 greater year-over-year loss in net profit, as well as operational continuity without bankruptcy filing during the process they must also prove location within the earmarked zones and businesses ineligible include non-profits, gambling-oriented venues, and those affiliated with city employees or officers, to name a few. Funds received can be appropriated to various operational expenses but cannot be funneled into owner/investor distributions or asset acquisitions.

This financial opportunity joins an ongoing roster of support measures, including zero percent interest loans also facilitated through LiftFund, which began rolling out to qualified applicants as early as February 2024. For those seeking assistance or looking to apply before the July 15, 2024, deadline, additional details and registration for an upcoming informational session on June 21 can be found on the grant program's website, or by contacting LiftFund directly.