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Published on June 24, 2024
San Antonio Spurs Victories Ignite "Let's Go Honking" Fan Tradition in Downtown Street CelebrationsSource: Wikipedia/San Antonio Spurs

For those not steeped in Texan fan traditions, the cacophony erupting from San Antonio streets post-Spurs victory isn't a sign of distress—it's a roar of triumph. The "Let's Go Honking" phenomenon has been a staple of San Antonio celebrations for a quarter-century, traced back to the Spurs' 1999 championship journey. As explained in an Express-News interview with longtime fan and local Nino Brown, this practice is part jubilation, part community bonding.

The streets, especially the span of Commerce, transform into a sea of honking, where fans revel in shared glory. With every Spurs win, downtown San Antonio witnesses a voluntary traffic gridlock as fans bask in the shared adrenaline of victory. Fans such as Rosemary Howard, quoted by the Express-News, see it as "just a way to be loud." And loud they are, albeit with a camaraderie that typifies the San Antonio sports culture, a culture where honking supersedes destruction in the name of celebration.

Each Spurs success reinvigorates the tradition. The draft of Victor Wembanyama in 2023, and his subsequent Rookie of the Year honors, saw the resurgence of this fan-fueled ritual. As KSAT reports, Spurs fans don't miss a beat in sounding their horns for these major wins. With the Spurs having a knack for drafting influential players—adding Wembanyama after legends Tim Duncan and David Robinson—the honking is as much a nod to the team's past as it is to its potential future.

Longtime fans like David Reyes believe that the honking tradition arose partly due to a dearth of sports bars back in '99, as he reminisced in his interview with the Express-News. Indeed, "People wanted to be together to celebrate, so why not make it a street party," Reyes said. The expression of joy transcends basketball, echoing the vibrant cultural customs of local celebrations in the barrios, as Alfred Prado also told the Express-News. Whether it's influencing traffic route notifications or simply serving as a soundtrack to the city's jubilant nights, "Let's Go Honking" has become a hallmark of San Antonio's support for their beloved Spurs.

So next time the din of honking floods the streets, know that in San Antionio, it's not a traffic menace—it's a symphony of shared elation. When the Spurs triumph, as Reyes assured the Express-News, "Oh, yeah. Heck yeah," the city comes alive with honks. In these moments, the streets become a spontaneous rally point, a collective venue for fans ready to champion their team, horns blazing.