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Published on June 29, 2024
Tennessee Man Indicted for Wire Fraud, Money Laundering, and IRS False ClaimSource: Unsplash/ Aidan Bartos

A Tennessee man, identified as Clarence Christofer Ward, also known by the alias Khaled Yaqud Mansur-El, has been arrested following an indictment that charges him with a series of serious federal offenses. According to a news release from the U.S. Attorney's office, Ward is facing one count of wire fraud, ten counts of money laundering, and one count of false claims against the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The charges could collectively lead to him spending decades behind bars.

The indictment lays out a timeline where Ward is accused to have, between the beginning of 2019 and February 2021, orchestrated a scheme aimed to defraud the IRS. He did so by purportedly filing a sham tax return for a trust, claiming an overpayment to the IRS of over $4 million. This false claim led the IRS to issue a refund of nearly $4.2 million to Ward. He is then alleged to quickly have used the funds to purchase properties and a vehicle. Despite the serious allegations, it must be stressed that an indictment is not evidence of guilt, and every defendant is presumed innocent unless, and until, proven guilty in the eyes of the law.

Ward's potential penalties are substantial, with the wire fraud count holding a possibility of 20 years in prison, money laundering charges carrying up to 10 years each, and making a false claim to the IRS bringing up to 3 years. Should he be convicted, Ward also faces the forfeiture of the $4,197,981 he obtained, which represents the proceeds from the alleged fraudulent activities. The IRS Criminal Investigation led the probing into Ward's activities, and the case is now being prosecuted by Assistant United United States Attorney Hannah Nowalk.

The case stands as another reminder that employing such schemes to defraud government agencies not only undermines the financial fabric of our governance but also leads to grave legal consequences. While the legal process must run its course, the arrest of Ward serves to potentially deter like-minded individuals from partaking in similar fraudulent actions. The full details of the intricate workings of Ward's alleged criminal endeavors continue to unfold as the U.S. Attorney's office moves forward with prosecution.

Tampa-Crime & Emergencies