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Published on June 28, 2024
Texas Border County Spotlighted as Immigration Takes Center Stage in Presidential RaceSource: Unsplash/ Markus Spiske

The topic of immigration has once more surged to the forefront of American political discourse, as the county of Tarrell in Texas becomes emblematic of the challenges at the border. With the Presidential race ramping up, concerns and debates surrounding immigration policies are set to potentially influence the election's outcome. According to a Sheriff of Tarrell County, who spoke with FOX San Antonio, the area has recently seen an uptick in migrants braving its treacherous passages.

Meanwhile, President Biden's new immigration efforts, including a "parole-in-place" program, have come under scrutiny, especially after a Presidential debate that some perceive has left the Democratic party in a state of recovery. The program intends to allow certain undocumented migrants to temporarily remain in the U.S., obtain work authorization, and apply for lawful permanent residency without the need to leave the country. As reported by Forbes, Biden's initiative could stand to protect around half a million citizens' spouses and roughly 50,000 noncitizen children who have American citizen parents.

During the heated political scuffles, former President Trump launched accusations at Biden for the alleged influx of criminals across the border, while Biden countered, highlighting Trump's previous refusal to back a bipartisan immigration solution. Despite these confrontations, the fate of Biden’s proposal hangs in the balance, as it was surprisingly left undebated at the presidential debate stage.

Legal experts have raised questions over the longevity of Biden's immigration plans, including the parole-in-place program. Some argue that the program might not prevail in the courts, with the Centre for Immigration Studies stating that it is "firmly imbedded in the legislative and judicial tissues of our body politic" that Congress has the authority to control immigrant numbers—a stance that suggests Biden's plan could face significant legal hurdles.