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Published on June 29, 2024
Washington State's Commercial Aviation Work Group to Hold Inaugural Public Meeting in Tumwater on July 11Source: Google Street View

For those looking to have their voice heard in the realm of Washington's aviation future, the Commercial Aviation Work Group is opening its doors—literally and digitally—for its first public meeting on July 11, 2024, the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) announced. The session is slated to kick off at 9 a.m. at the Capital Event Center in Tumwater and, for those not able to attend in person, an online meeting link will be forthcoming on the group's website.

Tasked by the state legislature last year, the group's main goal is to dissect the ins and outs of long-term aviation and transportation demand, which encompasses pondering over expanding current airports as well as scrutinizing multimodal avenues. And it doesn't stop there; environmental considerations and technological strides are also on the platter for the assembly, "This work group will focus on the use of new technology, environmental stewardship and resiliency in aviation," WSDOT Aviation Director Ann Richart told WSDOT in a statement.

The public is invited to chime in between 9:30 a.m. and 9:50 a.m. During the meeting, with options to participate either face-to-face or through the internet—each commenter is subjected to a two-minute cap. Still, those who wish to have their opinions entered into the record can submit them anytime before the meeting via the group's contact form. In addition, live streaming of the proceedings will be available courtesy of TVW, catering to a wider audience.

A prelude to this formation was the Commercial Aviation Coordinating Commission, which concluded its business last year, laying down a comprehensive information bedrock now utilized by the Commercial Aviation Work Group. Their findings were published in a report released on June 15, 2023. For those interested in catching up on the earlier groundwork, the details are worth a glance. Washingtonians can also take advantage of drive-in WiFi hotspots for temporary internet access to stay updated on the meeting; a list of such spots can be found on the WSDOT’s website. Just make sure to mark July 11, 2024, on your calendar if this is your area of interest.