Los Angeles/ Crime & Emergencies
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Published on June 29, 2024
Whittier Firefighters Injured in House Blaze, One Falls Through Roof, Another Suffers Heat ExhaustionSource: Facebook/Los Angeles Fire Department

Firefighters in Whittier faced grave danger as they worked to subdue a house blaze Friday night. According to CBS News Los Angeles, one of the first responders issued a mayday call—a distress signal—after a colleague plummeted through the roof they were working on to ventilate the home. Located on the 8300 block of Boer Avenue, the emergency was reported at about 9:15 P.M., with teams quickly arriving to confront the flames and smoke.

The firefighter who fell was swiftly taken to the hospital and was able to be released with minor injuries, indicating a lucky escape from what could have been a devastating incident. In a separate report by ABC7, it was revealed that a second firefighter also suffered injuries, with the nature of their harm initially unclear but later identified as suspected heat exhaustion.

The cause of the fire is yet to be determined as investigations continue, with no other injuries reported.