Missed the most recent top news in Minneapolis? Read on for everything you need to know.
Public can now weigh in on council's plan to replace city's police department
The public comment period is now open for the Minneapolis City Council's proposed charter amendment that would replace the Minneapolis Police Department. The amendment removes any reference to "police department" in the city charter and establishes a new Department of Community Safety and Violence Prevention.
Read the full story on KARE 11.
Changes in store for state camping, lodging reservation window
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is shortening its window for making reservations for camping and lodging to 120 days, or four months.
Read the full story on www.walkermn.com.
COVID-19, Lake Street fires shut clinics in south Minneapolis immigrant neighborhoods
Lost COVID-19 revenue and the Lake Street fires are turning immigrant neighborhoods in south Minneapolis into health care deserts.
Read the full story on Sahan Journal.
Mayor, police chief push for police reform policies, despite pressure to disband department
Despite pressure to disband the police department in Minneapolis, the mayor and police chief are pushing for smaller reforms that will allow for more accountability.
Read the full story on MSNBC.
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