In an unexpected turn of events on First Street in Benicia, chaos unfolded when a vehicle accidentally backed into a fire hydrant. The incident prompted a swift response from public works crews and emergency services, per the Benicia Fire Department.
First Street became a no-go zone between B and C streets as closures and detours were put in place during the evening commute. Locals were advised to avoid the area. Updates at 6:45 p.m. revealed that water service to buildings in the affected zone had been abruptly cut, causing inconvenience for residents.
Public works staff worked diligently under the night sky to stem the gushing hydrant. At nearly 9 p.m., a collective sigh of relief spread across social media as the Benicia Fire Department shared a video, confirming their success in stopping the inadvertent urban geyser. Water service was restored, and life on First Street began to return to normal.