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Published on December 15, 2023
Sunnyvale Law Enforcement Ramps Up DUI Patrols to Thwart Impaired DrivingSource: Sunnyvale Department of Public Safety

In an effort to curb impaired driving during holiday festivities, the Sunnyvale Department of Public Safety has announced the deployment of DUI saturation patrols tonight. The patrols aim to identify and prevent individuals from driving under the influence, emphasizing the importance of responsible choices.

Party-goers and revelers are strongly encouraged to plan and make responsible decisions, particularly in choosing designated drivers who will abstain from alcohol consumption. The Sunnyvale DPS, via a post guideline, suggests appointing a non-drinking friend as a designated driver to ensure the safety of all road users.

The department expresses concerns about potential dangers on the road due to holiday-induced revelry and warns sternly, "Before drinking, choose a non-drinking friend as a designated driver. Don't let friends drive impaired." The Sunnyvale DPS is optimistic that residents will heed the advice, preventing avoidable tragedies.

The police's plea for road safety extends beyond designated drivers. Individuals who find themselves having consumed too much alcohol are urged to opt for a taxi or ride service instead of taking the wheel. For those hosting gatherings, the Sunnyvale DPS emphasizes the importance of ensuring that guests who have been drinking leave with a sober driver.

As authorities prepare to enforce the warnings, they stress the significance of a simple yet effective safety measure for all drivers and passengers: wearing seat belts. "Always wear your seat belt — it's your best defense against impaired drivers," concludes the Sunnyvale DPS in its message.