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Published on December 26, 2023
Union City's December Dread With Over 1K Lives Lost to Drunk Driving in Holiday HorrorSource: Union City Police Department

Holiday cheer took a backseat for many families, as the Union City Police Department reported a staggering number of alcohol-impaired-driving fatalities over recent years. With over 4,500 people dead due to drunk driving incidents during the December months of 2017-2021, the sobering statistics call for immediate attention. According to a video released by Union City PD's Facebook page, December 2021 was particularly grim, with 1,013 people losing their lives in alcohol-related crashes.

Male drivers, notably, are falling prey to alcohol's grip while behind the wheel, much more so than their female counterparts. Involvement in fatal crashes for drunk male drivers stood alarmingly high at 721 incidents as opposed to the 208 involving females in December 2021. With men almost four times more likely to be alcohol-impaired when involved in a deadly accident, the calls for heightened awareness and stricter enforcement continue to echo in the final days of the year.

The Union City Police Department's message is clear: drunk driving is not just illegal, it's a lethal gamble with innocent lives. At this festive time of year when gatherings commonly involve alcohol, the police urge party-goers and revelers alike to plan ahead. The use of designated drivers, public transportation, or rideshare services is recommended to prevent tragic outcomes.