Minneapolis/ Fun & Entertainment
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Published on January 16, 2024
Delano Ice Palace in Minnesota Set for Early Season Unveiling Amid Favorable Frosty ConditionsSource: The Ice Palace

The famed Delano Ice Palace, Minnesota's colossal crystalline attraction, is bracing for an earlier-than-anticipated unveiling this season, thrusting the quintessential winter experience at the forefront of local festivities. Bucking the trend of weather-induced delays, the palace, nestled in Delano Central Park and sprawling over a staggering 90,000 square feet, will throw open its frosty gates this Sunday, a considerable leap from its initially scheduled late January berth.

Minnesota's most invigorating chill fest was victim to the climate's caprices, with a planned December opening scuttled thanks to unseasonably warm temperatures. Yet, as if to atone, nature's now on side allowing the frost to set in just right, leading to the revised unveiling on January 21, a full four days before its last announced date, according to BringMeTheNews. An intricate labyrinth of ice, complete with interactive features, illuminated tunnels, and sinuous slides, the Ice Palace is a brainchild of the Youngstroms, a clan of log home builders who've whisked their Norwegian heritage into an icy winter craft.

As heralded by the turning pages of the event's calendar, Thursday through Sunday will encapsulate the chill with warmth on standby, courtesy of fire dancers. CBS News Minnesota reports that ice princesses and winter folklore staples are presiding over the proceedings, positioned amid the ice-sculpted sanctum. The family-led escapade doesn't skimp on sustenance either, promising an array of food vendors alongside the fortifying presence of alcoholic libations and a splatter of gift shops, ensuring no frostbitten fingers leave empty-handed.

Access to this wintriest wonder isn't prohibitive, with adult admission tagged at $18 and a child's ticket a modest $11. At the same time, group rates and season passes are available for the more frozen-hearted aficionados. Positioned a mere 30-minute sleigh ride from the twin cities, Delano beckons with icy arms wide open. And as "Minnesotans know how to make the most of the cold winter months," Anna Smith, the general manager of Ice Palace Minnesota, echoed sentiments of resilience and celebration in the face of freezing temperatures in a statement to BringMeTheNews.