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Published on January 23, 2024
Martial Arts Icon John Worley Celebrates 80th Birthday with 80 Push-Ups in Twin CitiesSource: National Karate Official Page

Martial arts legend John Worley marked his 80th birthday not with a cake, but with a feat that's both a personal ritual and a dare: cranking out 80 push-ups. The octogenarian, who could give men half his age a run for their money, performed the push-ups as part of a tradition he has kept for the last ten years, a testament to his enduring vitality and the supreme discipline of a dedicated karate master.

According to CBS News Minnesota, Worley doesn't feel his age, claiming "Most of the time I feel great. I don't feel any different than I did 10 years ago, really," this routine is his way of proving just that—it's his way of proving it and his stamina, forged from decades of martial arts practice, is something he credits for his refusal to bow to the years. In the thriving martial arts scene of the Twin Cities, his legacy stands tall; half a century ago, he planted the seeds that would grow into National Karate, now a robust network of 13 schools across the metro, and its reach, extending further than the eye can see.

This storied journey through martial arts has seen Worley lock arms with icons like Jhoon Rhee, Chuck Norris, and even Bruce Lee, shaping a path that has earned him the rank of a 10th-degree black belt. While he may no longer coach, he stays connected to the discipline by assisting with black belt exams, drawing from an indefatigable energy that his colleague, National Karate branch owner Jim Albertson, described to CBS News Minnesota as "inspiring to all of us."

Motivated by a belief that age is just a number, Worley hopes that his vigorous enthusiasm will infect others with the desire to stay active and defy the traditional boundaries of age, and what better way to spread this inspiration than through the power of social media: National Karate threw down the gauntlet to students and enthusiasts alike to match or at least attempt Worley's 80 push-up challenge, celebrating not just the man, but the vitality he stands for.