Portland/ Community & Society
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Published on April 12, 2024
Portland Stands United During Sexual Assault Awareness Month to Combat Violence and Support SurvivorsSource: Portland Police Bureau

April has been christened Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), shifting the spotlight to a grave societal plague that doesn't discriminate against its victims. SAAM is a time "to reaffirm our collective commitment to preventing sexual violence, supporting survivors, and promoting a culture of consent and respect," according to a press release from the Portland Police Bureau. As the city joins in on the national conversation, local groups are charging forward with education and outreach efforts designed to turn the tide against sexual assault.

In a show of solidarity, partners from across the spectrum are rallying to get the word out. The month is about "joining forces", creating a united stand that seeks to foster environments where survivors are believed and empowered. Despite the progress made in past years, the need for continuous education on prevention and support remains as crucial as ever. With resources pooled together, the goal is to echo a message loud and clear: sexual violence has no place in society.

It is acknowledged that healing from such trauma is an intensely personal journey, and as such, a suite of resources is invaluable.As statedd by the Portland Police Bureau, understanding that "the journey of healing is unique to each survivor," reinforcing the importance of accessible and varied forms of support for those on the path to recovery.