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Published on April 18, 2024
Portland Updates Government Email System, Switches from MailChimp to GovDeliverySource: Google Street View

Heads up, subscribers of Portland government emails. The city's switching up the game and swapping their email service provider from MailChimp to GovDelivery. Bringing in some fresh digital moves, subscribers should now look out for emails coming from addresses ending with @info.portland.gov. As reported on April 16, the city's auditing office flagged this tech pivot, so if you're into staying updated with the latest city scoop via email, it’s best to immediately adjust your spam filters.

Beyond just an email address change, this update aims to make the info drop into your inbox look sharper than ever. According to the city's announcement, newly designed layouts and official logos will grace the headers of all future correspondences. And it's not merely about aesthetics—this is a call to action for subscribers who want to further customize the types of emails they're pulling from the city's digital hat. It's been hinted that now is the prime time to tweak those subscription preferences.

Email aficionados should note this isn't just about keeping the junk out. This transition promises to streamline communication between the city's cogs and its citizens, making sure those newsletters and updates don't skip a beat. Subscribers are being nudged to check and alter their email settings in preparation for this digital switchover, ensuring that vital municipal intel and updates don’t miss the mark.

Portland's dive into GovDelivery isn’t just a random shuffle in the deck of email management. It’s a calculated move to ensure the city’s message doesn't get lost in a sea of daily digital bombardment. As activists and technology commentators often note, such upgrades are crucial for ensuring a clean line of communication in our information-saturated age. This is evident as the city explicitly encourages to “consider adding us to your trusted sender list to ensure you don't miss out on anything,” ensuring that residents continue to remain in the loop without having to never dig through spam folders.